This month we’ve produced a handy little guide for brokers entitled ‘When your client discovers their building isn’t covered for the right amount.’
Getting the buildings sum insured correct is a good thing. It ensures the policyholder is adequately covered in the event of a claim. After all, who wants to have a tricky conversation about how an insurance claim pay-out isn’t going to meet expectations, especially when it might involve hundreds of thousands of pounds?
However, there can still be some tricky conversations to have following a professional Rebuild Cost Assessment.
At RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com we’ve worked with a small panel of brokers to put together a handy little guide, which is designed to help brokers respond to three different scenarios which could arise following a Rebuild Cost Assessment.
To view this guide, simply click below or click here. There’s no need to fill in any online forms or leave your details. You’ll be taken straight to the guide.
If you haven’t already signed up for an online broker account at RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com, find out about the great benefits and features of working with us.