We all know the story of the three little pigs, but what if we brought it up-to-date?
Here we tell the modern version, with the three pigs all arranging insurance for their three fairly standard properties, including a 'huffing and puffing wolf extension' just in case!
Discover what happens when inevitably things go wrong and why, as in the original story, it's always better to be like the third little pig.
Read our short story here:
Or watch the movie version:
Video Transcript
The Three Little Pigs: A RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com story
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. All had reasonable jobs in construction, forestry management and agriculture, so none of them had to build their homes from straw or twigs or anything like that.
In fact, all three had bought fairly standard homes, with one or two
quirky features, like most properties. Sensibly, they all took out
insurance, including ‘the huffing and puffing wolf extension’ as part of a comprehensive all risks package.
Unfortunately, the first little pig had been in a bit of a hurry when he arranged his insurance, so when it came to the sum insured he used one of those free online calculators.
The second little pig, believing he was much more clever than the first, spoke to a surveyor he knew in the next village. He asked him to come out and look at his new home and although it took about six months because of a nasty virus that was going around, the little pig eventually received a letter telling him how much his building should be covered for. There weren’t any measurements or details of how the amount had been calculated or anything like that, but hey ho!
The third little pig arranged an affordable, professional desktop rebuild cost assessment of his home, which took just a few days.
The first little pig laughed at the third, saying he’d got his online assessment for free!
The second little pig laughed too, saying his surveyor had told him those new-fangled desktops weren’t reliable and that it was obvious his assessment was much better because it wouldn’t have cost him ten times more otherwise!
The third little pig showed off the comprehensive report he’d received, but they still just laughed at him.
Anyway, the next day a wolf came along, huffed and puffed and blew all three of the little pigs houses down!
The first little pig soon discovered he was massively underinsured because the free online calculator hadn’t taken into account the restricted access caused by several trees and a narrow
country lane. His property should have been insured for at least 30% more. He tried to sue the providers of the online calculator, but he was quickly shown the terms and conditions, which stated that the amount calculated ‘could not be relied upon’.
The second little pig had some trouble with a loss adjuster, who came up with a different sum insured. The little pig showed him the letter he’d received from his surveyor, but because there wasn’t any calculation or breakdown, the loss adjuster still wasn’t convinced.